2008 “Sanco Star”. The thrusters have been in operation
for more than 7,000 hours per year
2009 “Boa Thalassa” and 2008 “Boa Galatea” –
3000 annual operating hours logged for the thrusters
Seabed Seismics require continuous use
of thrusters 7,000-8,000 hours annually
The fast-growing segment of seabed seismics imposes
new requirements for manoeuvring over long periods.
Increasingly complex operations take place, often in
challenging fields and severe weather conditions.
Brunvoll welcomes the challenge.
2009 “Sanco Spirit”
Owner: Sanco Shipping
Yard: Vaagland Båtbygggeri
Bow: 1 x Tunnel Thruster FU63 LTC 1750 700 kW
Bow: 1 x Combined Retractable Azimuth/Tunnel Thruster AR63 LTC 1750 700 kW
Stern: 1 x Tunnel Thruster FU63 LTC 1750 700 kW