reds of heavy duty installations at your disposal
Brunvoll has a reputation for
low life cycle cost
The demanding offshore market insists on superb thruster
quality, in the knowledge that it will pay for itself in lower
installation and life-cycle costs.
Trusted for first-class service
Brunvoll’s highly trained service technicians with
multidisciplinary experience in all aspects of thrusters
provide cost-effective help.
Spare parts
Brunvoll’s lifetime commitment to our thrusters includes
skilled and responsive after-sales service all over the world.
We keep large stocks of spare parts, even for our oldest
thruster models.
In case of emergency and repair
When every minute counts, it’s reassuring to know that you
can count on Brunvoll’s service teams – knowledgeable and
Extensive expertise in upgrades
Brunvoll has been chosen to supply thrusters for exciting
upgrades that add advanced capabilities to existing vessels
for more challenging offshore operations.
A turbulent world brings new opportunities.
Various vessels are being converted to multipurpose vessels
to make the most of high-investment assets.
Brunvoll has the specialized expertise and experience
that help to turn inspired ideas into practical solutions.
In-depth expertise for any
offshore application area
Brunvoll is a trusted supplier of retractable azimuth thrusters
and tunnel thrusters for shuttle tankers, as well as thrusters
for vessels for diving support, seismic, supply and standby
Draw on Brunvoll’s extensive expertise, experience, and
continuity – since the dawn of the offshore era.
Based on its years of experience, Brunvoll has made
continual improvements to its thruster designs to lengthen
the life of the components, reduce life cycle costs and
increase safety at sea.
Brunvoll is a part of an
offshore innovation cluster
From the early 1970s, the offshore oil industry has developed
on the Norwegian continental shelf, facing the west coast of
Norway. Today, this cluster is the most technically advanced
in the global oil industry. The collaboration between ship
owners, ship consultants, shipyards, ship equipment
manufacturers and other parties here is unique.
This knowledge community is constantly generating new
questions, ideas, and challenges.
It’s a priceless resource for Brunvoll.
Our commitment to thruster development and production
over the decades has won Brunvoll a reputation for
trouble-free operation, low life-cycle costs and long-term
profitability. Brunvoll has been in business since 1912.
Since then, the world has seen the most exciting
technological development in history.
With Brunvoll innovations such as improved
sealing technology, new-generation LowNoise thrusters, and
rim-driven thrusters (RDT), we are proud to have been
a part of this progress.