Krobo Accessories
Design: Anderssen & Voll, 2014
With great respect for the classic bench, the renowned designer
duo Anderssen & Voll has created new accessories for Krobo, empha-
sising its variety of use through additional functions and colour ele-
ments. Storage boxes, drawer units and cushions all have a muted
expression in harmony with Afdal’s timeless bench, while giving Krobo
a new lease of life in the 21st Century. Our digital lifestyle contributes to
a greater demand for flexible and aesthetic solutions. Krobo Accesso-
ries highlights the value of an already existing product by adding flexibil-
ity and utility appropriate to our modern lifestyle. The original accesso-
ries from the1960s inspired the Krobo Accessories: for instance, the
vintage telephone table is replaced with drawer units for cables or
storage boxes for mobile devices, etc. Simple elements provide a range
of purposes. The cushions make Krobo a comfortable seating bench
and the trays, frame and drawer unit provide room for flexible storage
and decorative furnishing. The accessories are all loose individual
modules that can easily be moved and refurnished–thereby creating
new solutions for new needs. Krobo Accessories will fit your way
of living today, as well as tomorrow.