Pål Lunder
Fjordfiesta Furniture AS
Tellusveien 2
Molde, Norway
Telephone +47 71 24 43 00
office@fjordfiesta.comThis work is protected by copyright.
Publication or other use, in part or in whole,
shall require partial authorisation
by Fjordfiesta.
Concept, art direction and design:
Academy of Art and Design FHNW,
Büro für Kommunikationsdesign, Basel
Project coordination:
Charlotte Ronja E. Knudsen
Elisabeth Aarhus (p.26, 30)
Anniken Zahl Furunes (p.17)
Mona Gundersen (p. 8)
Espen Grønli (p. 4, 11, 12, 20, 29, 33, 35, 36)
Hugo Opdal (p.6)
Hans Petter Smeby (p.18)
Richard Powers (p.24)
Verne Photography (p.14)
Max Zambelli (p.22)
Espen A. Istad
Printing: EKH Grafisk AS
Printed in Norway, August 2015
Thanks to Hans Battrud for permitting
access to historical material.
Intellectual property rights:
All the designs, pictures and texts in this
brochure are protected by law. Fjordfiesta is
the only authorized manufacturer of the furniture
designed by Hans Battrud.