Brunvoll Azimuth
Combi Thrusters
A special version of the
retractable Azimuth is the
Combi-Azimuth/Tunnel Thruster.
This works as a tunnel thruster
in upper position, and as an
azimuth thruster in lower position.
“Libas” was the first trawler/purse seiner
in the world to be equipped with a
Brunvoll Retractable Combi Azimuth/
Tunnel Thruster of 1470kW forward.
In stern – a Brunvoll Tunnel Thruster -
1470kW. (2003)
Boa Offshore’s “Boa Sub C”
has choosen a solution with a
Low Noise Resiliently Mounted
Tunnel Thruster bow fwd, a
Retractable Azimuth Combi
Thruster bow fwd and a
Retractable Azimuth
Thruster bow aft.
In 1996 Brunvoll developed a thruster that could
perform as a traditional tunnel thruster and also be
lowered underneath the hull and operate under
the keel during offshore loading in high seas. This
solution has been refned into todays Retractable
Azimuth Combi Thruster.
The design is based on extensive simulation of hull
movements for dimensioning of the unit and to ensure
that the solution can even withstand the 100-year North
Sea Wave. As a result, Brunvoll’s unique, retractable
thruster solution has been installed in tens of shuttle
tankers and a number of other offshore service vessels.