12 July 2010
• 5 ships
• 10 Brunvoll thrusters
• 3 decades of development
• Generation after generation
of trust in Brunvoll
Against the backdrop of this majestic scenery, about 180 cruise ships visit
the village of Geiranger each summer. The natural beauty of the Norwegian
fjords makes this destination a favourite with travellers. At the same time,
the rugged coastline is at the heart of one of the world’s most advanced
maritime clusters. Brunvoll is a key partner in this unique network,
with its unmatched portfolio of specialized skills and experience.
1999 “Europa” – Bow: 2 x FU63 LTC 1750 800 kW
2000 “Costa Atlantica” – Bow: 3 x FU100 LTC 2750 1,900 kW