Why is Brunvoll a major
Lifetime service and support
• Our streamlined organization focuses on
thruster systems only.
• All our thruster systems are Brunvoll design –
our service personnel know them inside out.
• Brunvoll’s experienced teams of in-house service engineers
have multidisciplinary skills.
• Fast and knowledgeable response to service calls
is available 24/7.
• For short delivery times, we keep extensive stocks of spare
parts for all Brunvoll thrusters in service.
Complete Thruster Systems
• Brunvoll offers fully integrated thruster solutions complete
with drive, control, alarm and monitoring systems,
electronic cabinets, and hydraulic power units.
• Small or large – Brunvoll supplies thruster systems for
virtually any kind of cruise vessel.
• Brunvoll’s renowned quality and design is consistent
throughout the range.
Tunnel Thrusters from
100 to 3,500 kW
Brunvoll tunnel thrusters have been a success throughout
the maritime sector. In the challenges presented by
a wide variety of marine industries, they have proved
their reliability with thousands of operating hours
each year. Our thrusters have undergone constant
refinement since the first unit was delivered in
1965, and are now state of the art in the
market. Each thruster system – whether
auxiliary duty units, DP class or propulsion
class – can be optimized to meet individual