The first retractable azimuth thruster was installed on
KV “Nordkapp”, delivered in 1980. KV “Nordkapp” was
followed by KV “Senja” and KV “Andenes”, each with
a Brunvoll Retractable Azimuth Thruster system.
The success of this innovation attracted attention in the
offshore market. It solved a problem faced by shuttle tankers
in ballast condition. In heavy seas, rolling motions can cause
conventional tunnel thrusters to draw air if they break the
surface, which may prevent the tanker from loading.
A retractable azimuth thruster can be lowered in a minute,
so that the vessel can carry on working.
Today, we are seeing a trend toward increased use of these
versatile thrusters. Modern shuttle tankers and offshore
construction vessels can be designed with several
retractable azimuth thrusters combined with several
tunnel thrusters.
Creative owners of advanced fishing vessels have
implemented retractable thrusters to make their catch
process more effective. And retractable azimuth thrusters
add to the flexibility of high-investment ships, enabling
year-round operation as multi-purpose vessels.
Easy installation
• Easily arranged and installed
• Minimal footprint.
• Option for complete plug-in installation.